Making Research Accessible - Emerald Global Publishing Group, Research Media and International Innovation uri icon


  • Research Media is part of Emerald Global Publishing Group, the global knowledge business that brings research to life. Research Media is a communications agency that provides integrated creative services for the research and academic sectors. We employ a wide variety of communication methods and techniques in order to transform scientific research into engaging, accessible content that drives impact.

    Our flagship brand International Innovation is a global resource, publishing insight and analysis on current scientific research trends worldwide, as well as funding and policy issues. Coverage spans the breadth of scientific disciplines, with a key focus on the interdisciplinary areas of healthcare, environment and technology.  

    Utilising the expertise of our editorial, design and marketing departments we can transform a research paper to make it understandable and discoverable for a broad audience in just 17 days. We create an online presence for our clients with real, measurable impact by promoting the content on our website, via email marketing and on our social channels. 

publication date

  • April 12, 2016